There is currently a consultation out on the thresholds for which foods can be advertised to children.
Here is my response:
I welcome the proposed changes in the nutrient profiling. I specifically welcome the change from total sugar to free sugar in line with the SACN recommendations for free sugars. There is a lot of confusion around labelling of sugar so I hope this change in the nutrient profiling will lead to a change in labelling in due course. I also welcome the update in the fibre amounts as this is a crucial nutrient for health which is often overlooked with the focus on calories. I hope these changes will go some way in supporting the education of the consumer on the foods which make healthier choices. I also hope that the food industry will respond by reformulating products across their whole to make them higher in fibre and lower in free sugar, salt and fat as we know children don’t always choose the food advertised, rather they choose that brand.
I would like to see a ban on advertising foods to children on TV because it is all about brand awareness and there are no regulations on the other foods that brand sells but this is a step in the right direction.