Help weaning your baby – and beyond weaning

Navigating weaning can be a challenge, especially with sleep deprivation. I have been humbled by the number of likes I have had on my post pregnancy weight loss blogs and wanted to share a new service with all the new parents who follow my blog. Those of you who know me, know that I wantContinue reading “Help weaning your baby – and beyond weaning”

Foods to avoid at 6 months

There is lots more information about food for your baby and toddler at Weaning Centre. My site dedicated to the under 5s. Babies start to have solid foods around 6 months. It is important that babies get introduced to a range of tastes and textures but there are some foods to avoid. If you haveContinue reading “Foods to avoid at 6 months”

Ready to wean but worried about choking?

When it comes to starting your baby on solid foods there is lots to think about… What their first food will be, will I use the baby led or spoon feeding method, which high chair shall I buy, when should I start… The list goes on (That’s why I spend 3 sessions talking about itContinue reading “Ready to wean but worried about choking?”

Looking for a nursery – what to ask in terms of food

Looking for a nursery can be a daunting process. It is important you feel comfortable leaving your child there and yet you can only go on other people’s recommendations. Not only should we check Ofsted reports and find out other parents opinions but we also need to ask the right questions when we go toContinue reading “Looking for a nursery – what to ask in terms of food”

Arsenic in baby food products?

Having heard headlines about arsenic in baby food products (baby rice, rice cakes and rice based cereals) I have been asked by parents whether they should stop giving their children rice. Firstly when we think arsenic we think poison. Yes, arsenic is a carcinogen and we shouldn’t have too much of it but this isContinue reading “Arsenic in baby food products?”


With government cuts there seems to be less and less information available for parents from health professionals about all sorts of parenting issues. Are parents supposed to reply on instinct, the internet, books and word of mouth? With an obesity epidemic and rickets (vitamin D deficiency in children) on the rise we really shouldn’t beContinue reading “Weaning”