How to lose the pregnancy weight (part 4)

How have you found the last 3 weeks? I imagine it has been a bit of a rollercoaster with the changing Covid restrictions and the Easter holidays but I’m glad you have come back to check what my 4th thing was.

The 4th thing I did was to focus on fruit and veg.

This might feel like a predictable one as it’s what nutritionists talk about all the time but I focussed on achieving my 5 a day for a number of reasons.

Why fruit and veg?

  1. It makes food look interesting on a plate – and we all need that.
  2. I can count to 5 even when I am sleep deprived!
  3. It is actually fairly simple.
  4. The extra fibre in fruit and veg helps keep me regular.
  5. I feel better for eating more veg.

How did I include my 5 a day?

  • 1 portion of fruit (80g) on my breakfast as I discussed last week
  • 1 portion of salad veg with my lunch (eg tinned sweetcorn, cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes which all take minimal prep) and a portion of fruit (bananas and apples are good because you can eat them one handed and they aren’t too sticky if you are feeding at the same time).
  • 2 portions of vegetables with my dinner. I either put 160g of veg in my sauce (pasta sauce, curry, stew) or I put one in the sauce and had one on the side. Frozen veg are great because the prep is done.

You might be thinking, it’s not that simple. Changing habits isn’t simple. We need to start small and build up. So, if you haven’t been having much fruit or veg, try adding one more portion a day for a week and then build each week.

For lots more tips on 5 a day go to Change 4 Life

Where next?

So, you have come to the end of my mini series on how I lost the pregnancy weight. It did not take me 4 weeks to lose the weight – it took about 5 months. Slow and steady is much better than fast when it comes to weight loss.

Alongside dietary changes, I also tried to get out for a walk most days (in reality it was about 4 days a week). I was more likely to go for a walk if I had arranged to meet someone for the walk or I had an errand to run. Brisk walking will burn more calories but any walking is good. It is also good for mental health so that can also have an impact on what I want to grab when it comes to food.

This is journey. We need to be kind to ourselves. Our bodies have done an amazing thing in giving birth. We also need to remember that we are also role models for our children so if we are always worrying about our weight or what we eat; they will pick up on that. My hope this that I can teach my children to enjoy food and to enjoy being active.

Feel free to get in touch for more information.

Disclaimer: this article is for information only and does not replace personalised advice.

If you would like personalised nutrition advice, why not book a consultation

Published by Aliya Porter

An experienced Registered Nutritionist helping you to live healthily without breaking the bank or chaining you to the kitchen.

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