My 3 year old wouldn’t touch potatoes – until we grew them ourselves. Now he asks for more. Another reason to grow your own.
Tag Archives: Healthy Eating
What are we telling people!?
I was recently informed by my midwife that I had slightly low iron levels. They were not low enough warrant my taking supplements but I was advised to eat more green vegetables. I was horrified, although not totally surprised by this advice. I would have to eat a lot of green veg to improve myContinue reading “What are we telling people!?”
Change4Life Supermeals
When Change4Life launched I thought it was a positive initiative, although very misinformed. Living and working at the time in a very deprived part of south east London with a high proportion of the population from minority ethnic communities, I felt that though the messages were great, they would not reach our population. They mightContinue reading “Change4Life Supermeals”