Top healthy Veganuary tips from an expert

Veganuary is upon us. The supermarkets have cleared their Christmas shelves and made way for a wide range of vegan products to entice you to spend your pennies. I thought I’d catch up with a vegan dietitian for her thoughts on the subject to share with you. Heather Russell is a dietitian at The VeganContinue reading “Top healthy Veganuary tips from an expert”

Top tips for carers for eating well

I have had the privilege of working with Manchester Carers Network for the last few years and have met so many wonderful carers. Carers do such a fantastic job of looking after other people but sometimes it can be hard to fit in time to look after themselves. I run workshops with Manchester Carers NetworkContinue reading “Top tips for carers for eating well”

Advertising of food to children

This week the government announced that they would go ahead with the ban on the advertising of high fat, high salt and high sugar foods (HFSS foods) before the 9pm watershed. This is great news for parents of children who watch TV but there are some things to still consider. Companies can still advertise throughContinue reading “Advertising of food to children”

Feeding children over the summer break

I love the school holidays. The lack of school run and constant clock watching. The time with my children at their best times of day, not just when they are tired and hungry. No matter how creative you are, school holidays can be expensive though; with trips and activities adding up, not to mention theContinue reading “Feeding children over the summer break”

Does healthy eating have to hurt the planet?

Image: Commons Wikimedia -   This is a very complicated question because there are so many factors involved, but it has been the subject of much debate over the last few years. The latest headline comes from work by scientists at Harvard University in the USA. The proposed diet moves us all away from eatingContinue reading “Does healthy eating have to hurt the planet?”

Should we even be selling food which can cause harm?

This is a question to wrestle with. I am not going to give you the answer but share a few thoughts to start off your dinner time discussion! With the latest cancer prevention report suggesting processed meat should, if possible, be avoided and the government consulting (finally) on a total ban of the sale ofContinue reading “Should we even be selling food which can cause harm?”