Fussy eating is very common. Extremely fussy eating (often characterised by eating less than 20 foods, not being willing to try new things and often only eating foods which are very similar eg in colour of texture) is less common but still not rare. There are so many products on the market which claim toContinue reading “Help my child is so fussy”
Category Archives: Parenting
My child won’t eat
Fussy eating can be very stressful. Help is available.
Foods to avoid at 6 months
There is lots more information about food for your baby and toddler at Weaning Centre. My site dedicated to the under 5s. Babies start to have solid foods around 6 months. It is important that babies get introduced to a range of tastes and textures but there are some foods to avoid. If you haveContinue reading “Foods to avoid at 6 months”
Lunchbox ideas
There is lots of information about lunch boxes out there. Much of it is very expensive and takes masses of time to produce. In our house, I organise the food and cook the evening meal, but it is my husband who makes the 2 packed lunches. At 6.30 in the morning, he has about 15Continue reading “Lunchbox ideas”
Feeding children over the summer break
I love the school holidays. The lack of school run and constant clock watching. The time with my children at their best times of day, not just when they are tired and hungry. No matter how creative you are, school holidays can be expensive though; with trips and activities adding up, not to mention theContinue reading “Feeding children over the summer break”
What can the out of home sector do to reduce salt in children’s meals?
Reducing salt in children’s meals
Cooking with children – part 2
When I wrote part 1, I promised there would be more… Here it is! Last time we talked about: Hand hygiene, general yuk, listening to an adult, not touching things they have not been asked to touch, stirring skills, measuring out ingredients, food handling and the language of recipes This time, we are going to lookContinue reading “Cooking with children – part 2”
Cooking with children – part 1
This is the first in a series of articles for parents and carers about the skills I think children need to develop around cooking When it comes to cooking with our children it is easy to get into the habit of baking with our children rather than cooking with them. Teaching our children cooking skillsContinue reading “Cooking with children – part 1”
Eating healthily whilst pregnant and nauseous
Congratulations you are pregnant! Exciting times ahead and what a responsibility; you are the sole provider of nutrition for your unborn baby. And as if that wasn’t enough, you also have to deal with nausea, tiredness, aches… Who would be pregnant!? As someone who couldn’t open my mouth without being sick for a period ofContinue reading “Eating healthily whilst pregnant and nauseous”
Portion sizes for children
All children are different and have different appetites. Here are 8 tips to help all those with responsibility for feeding children to know how much to give them. Know the child’s weight and get them weighed regularly (at least once a year for school-age children, more often for younger children). If they are tracking alongContinue reading “Portion sizes for children”