Today sees the launch of the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research. The report takes all the studies on cancer and brings them together to see what the evidence base is. It takes all the individual studies you see in the newspapers and many more and brings them together. The report is 2000Continue reading “Eating to reduce your risk of cancer”
Category Archives: Health promotion
Portion sizes for children
All children are different and have different appetites. Here are 8 tips to help all those with responsibility for feeding children to know how much to give them. Know the child’s weight and get them weighed regularly (at least once a year for school-age children, more often for younger children). If they are tracking alongContinue reading “Portion sizes for children”
Good mental wellbeing and nutrition
The longer I work in the field of nutrition the more I am convinced that we need to tackle mental wellbeing and nutrition together. It can’t be a coincidence that we have epidemics of both obesity and mental illness. We have to look at people as a whole. I am not saying anything new butContinue reading “Good mental wellbeing and nutrition”
10 minutes
There has been a lot in the headlines about 10 minutes of walking recently. 10 minutes brisk walking a day can have amazing health benefits. 10 minutes sounds like a short amount of time but for some of us it is more difficult to squeeze in that we would like to think. Here are someContinue reading “10 minutes”
Looking for a nursery – what to ask in terms of food
Looking for a nursery can be a daunting process. It is important you feel comfortable leaving your child there and yet you can only go on other people’s recommendations. Not only should we check Ofsted reports and find out other parents opinions but we also need to ask the right questions when we go toContinue reading “Looking for a nursery – what to ask in terms of food”
Should we go nuts this Christmas?
A systematic review of the evidence found in 20 studies (29 publications) by researchers at Imperial College London published today in BioMed Central revealed statistically significant reductions in risk of diseases such as cancer, stroke, coronary heart disease and diabetes in people who ate more than 20g a day of nuts. Whilst there could be a numberContinue reading “Should we go nuts this Christmas?”
Are we eating too much salt in our diets?
Have you ever gone out for a meal or had a takeaway and then not been able to get a good night’s sleep because you keep waking up thirsty? As we try and cut down on the amount of salt we are putting in our food at home, many restaurants are still keeping the saltContinue reading “Are we eating too much salt in our diets?”