Are we eating too much salt in our diets?

Have you ever gone out for a meal or had a takeaway and then not been able to get a good night’s sleep because you keep waking up thirsty? As we try and cut down on the amount of salt we are putting in our food at home, many restaurants are still keeping the saltContinue reading “Are we eating too much salt in our diets?”

What are we telling people!?

I was recently informed by my midwife that I had slightly low iron levels. They were not low enough warrant my taking supplements but I was advised to eat more green vegetables. I was horrified, although not totally surprised by this advice. I would have to eat a lot of green veg to improve myContinue reading “What are we telling people!?”

Association for Nutrition Regional Network – North West

I am the rep for the Network in the North West. It is a voluntary role but well worth the time and the effort when you meet such inspiring people working in a range of nutrition areas. On Saturday we held an event for continuing professional development and were overwhelmed by the response. We hadContinue reading “Association for Nutrition Regional Network – North West”

Vitamin D – where are you?

On a recent search for vitamin D supplements (at the dose recommended by the Department of Health in pregnancy) I was surprised to find that they could not be purchased. The correct amount can be found in other supplements for pregnancy such as Lloyds own brand products and Pregnacare but if you don’t want toContinue reading “Vitamin D – where are you?”


With government cuts there seems to be less and less information available for parents from health professionals about all sorts of parenting issues. Are parents supposed to reply on instinct, the internet, books and word of mouth? With an obesity epidemic and rickets (vitamin D deficiency in children) on the rise we really shouldn’t beContinue reading “Weaning”

Training for frontline staff working in the field of nutrition

The Association for Nutrition has developed a model which gives the core competencies for people working in the field of nutrition including GPs, nurses, health visitors, dietitians, nutritionists, teachers, community workers, and personal trainers. It is well worth a look. AfN are in the process of looking at courses to see which competencies they meetContinue reading “Training for frontline staff working in the field of nutrition”

Giving will power a helping hand in weight loss

Will power is crucial for weight management, especially when losing weight. Here are some things which can help you stick to healthy eating. I don’t pretend it is easy and that these tips will work for everyone, but that might.   1) Know the difference between hunger and thirst Often we eat because we areContinue reading “Giving will power a helping hand in weight loss”

Supermarket manipulation tactics

I recently did a large Tesco online order. I was trying to work out the best buys and noticed the following: – The cost per 100g is sometimes completely incorrect – The cost per 100g is sometimes rounded down rather than up which suggests it is cheaper than it actually is – The cost perContinue reading “Supermarket manipulation tactics”