With government cuts there seems to be less and less information available for parents from health professionals about all sorts of parenting issues. Are parents supposed to reply on instinct, the internet, books and word of mouth? With an obesity epidemic and rickets (vitamin D deficiency in children) on the rise we really shouldn’t beContinue reading “Weaning”
Author Archives: Aliya Porter
Training for frontline staff working in the field of nutrition
The Association for Nutrition has developed a model which gives the core competencies for people working in the field of nutrition including GPs, nurses, health visitors, dietitians, nutritionists, teachers, community workers, and personal trainers. It is well worth a look. AfN are in the process of looking at courses to see which competencies they meetContinue reading “Training for frontline staff working in the field of nutrition”
Giving will power a helping hand in weight loss
Will power is crucial for weight management, especially when losing weight. Here are some things which can help you stick to healthy eating. I don’t pretend it is easy and that these tips will work for everyone, but that might. 1) Know the difference between hunger and thirst Often we eat because we areContinue reading “Giving will power a helping hand in weight loss”
What are you interested in?
To all my readers, I am interested to know what sort of information you would like me to have on the website. If you can let me know, that would be great. Just put a comment below.
Supermarket manipulation tactics
I recently did a large Tesco online order. I was trying to work out the best buys and noticed the following: – The cost per 100g is sometimes completely incorrect – The cost per 100g is sometimes rounded down rather than up which suggests it is cheaper than it actually is – The cost perContinue reading “Supermarket manipulation tactics”
Healthy eating in tough times
Healthy eating agendas are slipping from view as budgets get cut on a national and local level. NHS and council staff are having to make tough choices. Do they reduce the number of doctors and nurses, increase waiting times for operations or do they cut the promotion of healthy eating? The choice is obvious, isn’tContinue reading “Healthy eating in tough times”
Weaning – the old fashioned way
I have recently been told that health visitors in Manchester promote so called ‘baby led weaning’ to parents, however when I worked in Lewisham, NHS London was not. Rather, they were giving it as an option. Weaning came up in the news again recently with more questions about whether exclusive breastfeeding to 6 month isContinue reading “Weaning – the old fashioned way”
Vitamin D
I found an interesting BBC video about vitamin D. I wasn’t told about taking vitamin D supplements when I was pregnant or breastfeeding, and it wasn’t until my son’s 8 month check that I was told he should have any. I was told I could only get them if I was on benefits and notContinue reading “Vitamin D”
Allergy and Intolerance week
Last week was Food Allergy and Intolerance week. Many people think they have allergies and intolerances but it is important they get a medical diagnosis in order to confirm it. Managing an allergy is actually quite difficult and it is important to get the proper advice and not to fall foul of the advertising ofContinue reading “Allergy and Intolerance week”
Change4Life Supermeals
When Change4Life launched I thought it was a positive initiative, although very misinformed. Living and working at the time in a very deprived part of south east London with a high proportion of the population from minority ethnic communities, I felt that though the messages were great, they would not reach our population. They mightContinue reading “Change4Life Supermeals”